[TriEmbed] Stepper Motor Controller

Shane Trent shanedtrent at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 12:32:19 CST 2015


I recommend checking out the Pololu stepper driver boards. The are
inexpensive (so mistakes are cheap) and can drive a decent sized stepper
motor. There are several options depending on the voltage range you want to
use and the current you need. The most basic stepper driver is $6 in
singles (but the shipping will be a hit there, you might want to see if Jon
has some on-hand at Anibit) and has be used as the stepper driver in many
of the open-source 3D printer designs.

One neat thing to consider is that Pololu offers a stepper driver with
on-board voltage regulator (both 5V and 3.3V on the same board), not sure
if it can supply the current needed by a Pi but you may be able to run a Pi
and the driver from the same raw motor drive power supply.




I hope these are helpful. Is there another feature or other option that you
would like to see in your "ideal" stepper driver?


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Grawburg <grawburg at myglnc.com> wrote:

> 1. The small controller I use is  a ULN2003 board with a 28BYJ-48 motor.
> 2. The "new" motors are Haydon Series 3500, 0.57A
> 3. The board that is attached to the printer is a Xylotex XS-3525/8S-4. It
> is way more than I need -- or understand how to use.
> Brian
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