[TriEmbed] TriEmbed table has been organized at this year's RARSfest

The MacDougals paulmacdnc at att.net
Wed Apr 6 08:25:03 CDT 2022

I plan to man the TriEmbed tables, but would welcome any offers to spell me for a bit so that I can see the show.


---> Paul



From: Scott Hall <scottghall1 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2022 7:16 AM
To: Triangle Embedded Computing Interest Group <triembed at triembed.org>
Cc: Paul MacDougal <paulmacd at acm.org>; Pete Soper <pete at soper.us>
Subject: TriEmbed table has been organized at this year's RARSfest


The Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) is holding their annual RARSfest hamfest and electronics flea market in less than 2 weeks, Saturday April 16, 2022 (9:00am-4:00pm), at the Jim Graham building on the NC State Fairgrounds.

Together a number of technical clubs share an island of non-profit tables organized together -- and one of them is the TriEmbed table!!  In years past TriEmbed has shown off microcontrollers for communications - including SDR, Helium & LoRa, shown off many other microcontroller and electronics projects, and handed out fliers that describe TriEmbed and provide meeting and contact information.

I have already provided 2 TriEmbed tables under my name (Scott Hall), or under "Non-profit Technical Clubs".  All you have to do is buy tickets for yourself to come and join everyone.  (order ahead of time for $9 at https://www.rarsfest.org/admission.php, or $10 day of the hamfest)

Please come out and support TriEmbed at the TriEmbed table.  Hopefully someone will bring a TriEmbed banner to display, and fliers printed out available for handing out.  Since the hamfest starts at 9:00am, please come early to setup -- I'll be there at 6:30am.  I will also be hosting a Learn To Solder clinic at another table.


Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
scottghall1 at gmail.com <mailto:scottghall1 at gmail.com> 

Although kindness is rarely a job, no matter what you do it's always an option.

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