[TriEmbed] Good article on how to solder surface mount parts

Brian triembed at undecidedgames.net
Tue Jan 22 14:32:47 CST 2019

On 1/22/19 3:13 PM, Robert Gasiorowski via TriEmbed wrote:
> I would have to disagree with few things in that article.
 > [...]
> I would never use wick to remove solder from SMD components, leaves 
> resin and you can easily overheat traces. Flux works wonders for 
> soldering and removal of excess of solder.

Resin?  I'm not sure what resin you're referring to.  Wick is just a 
braid of copper; nothing else (well, some are pre-impregnated with flux, 
but in my experience that is never enough flux).  As far as overheating, 
I've never had a problem with that as long as there's plenty of flux and 
a well-tinned tip to ensure proper heat transfer.

At any rate, flux and wick together is almost magic in its ability to 
act like a solder vacuum.  Hooray for capillary action!

Afterwards, a quick wipe with an isopropyl-moistened q-tip is all you 
need to clean up the excess flux.


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