[TriEmbed] Raspberry Pi as WIFI client providing DHCP link to Internet via its wired ethernet

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Mar 22 09:05:09 CDT 2018

I have a specific application need where a model 3 RPI needs to connect 
to a WIFI network as a client but provide one DHCP link via its wired 
ethernet port to a router WAN port so clients of that router can get to 
the Internet. If somebody has direct experience with this very specific 
scenario and has of a recipe that you know for a fact works, please 
point me to it. I know I'm being a choosing beggar here, but there are a 
number of recipes that only look like they apply to my use case and I'm 
tired of the rat holes. I have a kludge in place now using my microscope 
imaging laptop with Windows ICS and I need to get the laptop back to my 
shop, so this has become a priority.

If somebody who considers this a piece of cake would like to see the new 
community laboratory hosting the Triangle DIY Biology organization in 
Durham and help me make this bridge work I'd appreciate it. (After 
renovation this will likely be the future home of Splatspace, by the 
way). The lab is at #24 Shoppers Street, Durham, NC 27707, across the 
parking lot from Scrap Exchange. I'll be there and available from 1-4pm 
today and 2-4pm Saturday. If you just want to come by and see the place, 
"all are welcome", most especially if you like playing with friendly 
kids interested in learning stuff.


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