[TriEmbed] 32u4 or ATSAMD21G18 for logger?

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Wed Oct 11 11:21:58 CDT 2017

If the goal is to share this with the typical population of enthusiasts 
out there the 32u4 seems like the better choice, and it's too simple to 
be hard to wake up. :-) I've been working on a very tiny clock/calendar 
that you could slap alongside the MCU (the clock package has a crystal 
inside and it and a schottky diode for battery or capacitor backup 
together are smaller than the 32u4 chip).


On 10/11/2017 11:18 AM, Josh Wyatt via TriEmbed wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> I don't have any guidance on the low-power aspects of the ATSAMD21G18, 
> but depending on your gyro chipset, the wake-up/interrupt stuff can be 
> tricky. I did some with with MPU-6050 based projects, and could never 
> get the interrupt-wakeup situation to behave as expected. YMMV!
> Thanks,
> Josh
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 8:56 AM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed 
> <triembed at triembed.org <mailto:triembed at triembed.org>> wrote:
>     I'm going to make my movement logger tether-less and am trying to
>     decide
>     on an MCU. I'm familiar with 32u4 in terms of low-power usage, but
>     would
>     like to consider ATSAMD21G18 for conveniences like the built-in RTC.
>     Any power-related reason not to choose ATSAMD21G18? I'll be using
>     whatever it is in the Adafruit Feather format, since it's small
>     and has
>     built-in LiPo charging. I'll be using a small 100 mAH LiPo, as I have
>     found that size fits well between a Feather and a stacked proto board.
>     This size battery *should* be enough to run all night if I come up
>     with
>     something clever involving thresholds on the accelerometer and an
>     interrupt wake pin.
>     Alex
>     --
>     "The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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