[TriEmbed] 32u4 or ATSAMD21G18 for logger?

Josh Wyatt dragojdw at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 10:18:30 CDT 2017

Hi Alex,
I don't have any guidance on the low-power aspects of the ATSAMD21G18, but
depending on your gyro chipset, the wake-up/interrupt stuff can be tricky.
I did some with with MPU-6050 based projects, and could never get the
interrupt-wakeup situation to behave as expected. YMMV!


On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 8:56 AM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> I'm going to make my movement logger tether-less and am trying to decide
> on an MCU. I'm familiar with 32u4 in terms of low-power usage, but would
> like to consider ATSAMD21G18 for conveniences like the built-in RTC.
> Any power-related reason not to choose ATSAMD21G18? I'll be using
> whatever it is in the Adafruit Feather format, since it's small and has
> built-in LiPo charging. I'll be using a small 100 mAH LiPo, as I have
> found that size fits well between a Feather and a stacked proto board.
> This size battery *should* be enough to run all night if I come up with
> something clever involving thresholds on the accelerometer and an
> interrupt wake pin.
> Alex
> --
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