[TriEmbed] Anyone have their own christmas light show?

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 11:32:42 CST 2017

For years I have been reading about, researching, and wishing for a fancy
Christmas light show on my house and I have decided next year I will put
together my first setup.

My plan is to build several 8 and 16 channel light control boxes that have
power in to the outlets, and be controlled from an esp8266 (arduino + wifi)
controller fed to a 8x or 16x channel relay board. This would mean I only
need to run one power line to each board and all control sequences can be
controlled from one system inside the house.

I plan to put one on each side of the house for the bushes/trees and porch
railing, and one on a large cone christmas tree (16x strands of 100 lights

I already have 165' of neopixels that I bought for this project about 2
years ago and I want to put them along the roof line.

I am researching different open source control software and have several
that look promising, but have not downloaded and tried out yet.

I am reaching out to see if anyone else on the TriLUG and TriEmbed lists
already have their own lights and if so, would you be willing to trade a
few emails on ideas, suggestions, things to stay away from, etc?

Btw, this is the first video of a long series showing how to build the
control boxes and using Vixen software to control the lights. I like the
general idea, but I plan to use the esp8266 for the control link instead of
a Raspberry Pi and wired ethernet.


I have 11 months until Thanksgiving... that is my deadline.

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