[TriEmbed] got wav playback working on FRDM-K64F but...

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Thu Jun 2 15:06:55 CDT 2016

I got wav file playback working on my FRDM-K64F using

The filesystem object required the following:
SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd", PTE6,
SDFileSystem::SWITCH_POS_NO, 25000000);

and also needed the following property set, since 16-bit SPI apparently
doesn't work on the MCU (at least under MBED):

Now, I'd really like this to work in the MBED RTOS context, but the
library which supports that
(http://developer.mbed.org/users/Sissors/code/SDFileSystem-RTOS/) fails
to compile with various errors related to DMA support in the library. I
think the Teensy 3 uses a similar MCU and also has 'issues' when it
comes to DMA support.

This example
supposedly has sounds playing as a thread but uses USB-attached storage.
I'll give this a shot. I can live with storing my sounds that way if
that method works.

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