[TriEmbed] a little insight into MBED, dev boards, and libraries

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Thu Jun 2 13:37:15 CDT 2016

I've been trying to get my FRDM-K64F MBED-enabled dev board to work as a
simple WAV player. I figured it'd be well suited to the task, as it has
an on-board SD card holder, and a 12-bit DAC. The best library I've
found yet for MBED is

Check out the discussion here for a little insight on library support in

One of the main problems is not all ARM implementations support the same
features, eg. Kinetis MK64FN1M0VLL12 doesn't do 16-bit SPI, KL05Z
doesn't have SPI pulldowns and requires external pulldowns, etc...

Pretty much you can't just buy an MBED-enabled board and expect it to
work with an MBED library. You definitely have to do your homework. I'm
trying not to complain too much about these free resources, it's just
something to be aware of. Looks to me like the mbed LPC1768 has has been
around nearly the longest and has the most solid MBED library support.

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