[TriEmbed] missing JPEGs Re: (Amazon) Dash FCC info and model corrections

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Jul 26 16:42:06 CDT 2016

Unfortunately, the JPEGs Shane tried to share today (and that Mike tried 
to include) are filtered out of the list messages. Painful, but I had 
the conversation with my ISP 10 years ago and he's not going to budget. 
The .png format is allowed through. My apologies for probably not 
noticing this a few other times in the past too.

Here are the two pictures of Shane's AWS IoT button model JK76PL that is 
identical to a "rev 1 Dash" button except for the label and firmware: 
and back 

I have the guts of a rev 1 Dash next to me. It is identical to the 
pictures in the rev 1 Dash teardown already published. I'm sure (by 
virtue of FCC regs wrt the model number and ID) that it is identical to 
the inside of Shane's device.

The guts of a rev 2 Dash are also right here, also identical to the 
JK29LP teardown, which hopefully shows the battery situation with full 


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