[TriEmbed] (Amazon) Dash FCC info and model corrections
Shane Trent
shanedtrent at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 13:06:28 CDT 2016
My Amazon AWS IoT button arrived yesterday (ordered back in May). It appear
to be sealed like the other Dash Buttons. Below is a photo of the back
showing the model number, which I believe matches the rev 1 Dash Button.
Again, I wonder why they used rev 1 hardware for the AWS IoT button. Will
the other Dash Buttons all migrate to rev 2 and keep rev 1 with the lithium
battery for the IoT Buttons?
[image: button front small.jpg]
[image: button model number.jpg]
On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 1:52 PM Pete Soper via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:
> (excuse the repetition, but this will avoid complete bewilderment if
> somebody starts reading about the subject at this point)
> The rev 2 Dash button labeled "JK29LP" on the back has a replaceable
> battery if the bottom piece of plastic is cut off. It's in a dead-plain
> battery holder (AAA alkaline). It has Atmel MCU and radio, and is currently
> opaque with respect to redoing it's firmware. The rev 1 one labeled
> "JK76PL" has a lithium battery that is welded to PCB connections, with ST
> MCU and Broadcom radio that is as easy to program as an EMW3162 ('cause the
> hardware is identical!). Instructions for the firmware programming of a rev
> 1 are on Adafruit
> <https://learn.adafruit.com/dash-hacking-bare-metal-stm32-programming/overview>.
> IMO it would be close to trivial to replace the welded on lithium battery
> with a connector for an alternative battery. As Shane pointed out, the rev
> 2 is more power efficient to compensate for the wimpier battery.
> Unless I'm mistaken the IoT button won't be shipped until August 23rd. I'd
> bet a box of donuts it's based on, if not the same rev 2 Dash guts,
> something very very close. The AWS web page
> <https://aws.amazon.com/iot/button/> describing it says this and the
> picture makes it seem identical on the outside, but looking closely at the
> picture I see where the removable bottom piece allows getting to the
> battery holder. This convenience is not worth $15. :-) It makes perfect
> sense for the Dash buttons, which would ordinarily be used at most a couple
> dozen times a YEAR, to have the bottom sealed. But with an app that calls
> for multiple button pushes a day there may be an issue. If the guys doing
> the Dash teardowns can figure out how to swap the IoT button firmware into
> a rev 2 Dash button, they'll no doubt publish that. In the meantime, my
> wagon is hitched to the rev 2 Dash buttons with the intention of replacing
> the top layer of firmware while also playing with the ARP-detection angle
> for simple functionality.
> One specific goal is to get arpalert installed on the Splatspace server
> and donate a button or two for experimentation there. I can think of
> multiple immediate uses for these buttons at Splatspace, but also think
> blocking their access to Amazon will be desirable.
> -Pete
> On 07/26/2016 12:39 PM, Michael Monaghan wrote:
> Shane,
> If I understand correctly the Amazon IoT button has different hardware
> than the Dash button, including a "user replaceable" battery. The firmware
> is a bit different as well. Of course at $20 a pop, one has a little
> different expectations.
> Mike
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