[TriEmbed] [TAR] New free Atmel Studio 7 development studio now lets you input Arduino sketches.
Shane Trent
shanedtrent at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 21:39:55 CDT 2015
I would enjoy a presentation on how to migrate from the Arduino IDE over to
another environment.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Jon Wolfe via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:
> As someone who has been using Atmel's IDE's for quite a while, the ability
> to use Arduino code is not new, though it may be more seamless now than it
> has been in the past. Visual Micro has had a plug-in to allow native
> Arduino project handling within Microsoft's Visual Studio (and Atmel's IDE
> which is based on it since V5). I'm not going to debate whether or not
> Microsoft are big bad meanies, but quite simply, Visual Studio rocks and
> they give it away for free. They also give away the core "Shell" and SDK
> for it for free to where you could customize it to your own platform,
> compiler, and your own language. This is precisely what Atmel's IDE is. So
> it is technically closed-source, proprietary, but gratis, and they give you
> the tools to customize the hell out of it, that should count for something.
> Speaking for myself as seasoned C/C++, I've always found the Arduino IDE's
> build system vexing, arbitrary, and severely limiting. You cannot control
> how the files are autommagically combined, and you cannot organize your
> files in to a typical project hierarchy with subfolders. Even with the new
> ability in Atmel Studio to directly build Arduino projects, you're better
> off in the long run converting to a C/C++ project.
> It is not that difficult to "de-arduinoize" an existing arduino project
> while still using the Arduino libraries and platform, then you can have the
> best of both worlds, the Arduino libraries are quite convenient, once you
> learn its quirks and pitfalls, and you can use a real project organization
> with proper code separation. Up until very recently, you couldn't even have
> too many files in your project or the Arduino IDE would not be able to
> properly show them all in tabs. I did a presentation for Triembed a few
> years ago on Atmel Studio, I'd be happy to do another one, and focus on how
> to convert a Arduino project to a C++ project. They always say the "Arduino
> language" is based on C++, but it really *is* C++. You can use any C++
> construct in an Arduino sketch, and you're subject to the same rules of
> C++. The only thing the Arduino framework/software platform gives you
> (besides the vexing file globbing pre-processor) is a bunch of macros that
> make things more convenient than using libavr's register definitions
> directly. You can still use all the macros in a "de-arduinoized" C++
> project, so you literally loose nothing, except not having to be explicit
> about your code's inter-dependencies, which is a good thing.
> On 2015-10-19 13:48, Carl Nobile via TriEmbed wrote:
>> I agree with Rodney, in no way is the use of Linux small compared to
>> windows in either the professional development and DIY communities. If
>> you factor in the normal user and office workers then yes Linux has a
>> very small footprint, but professional developers and hobbyists this
>> is no longer the case. Just look at all the Raspberry Pis that have
>> been sold in the last two or so years.
>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:10 PM, Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
>> [trianglerobotics] <trianglerobotics at yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Fred,
>>> I would agree with you that the money from Arduino is just a small
>>> portion of what Atmel makes off it's products, but remember that
>>> most future engineers start first as a hobbiest. That is why so
>>> many companies give student discounts or freebies, to get them to
>>> like their products before they turn into the engineers that
>>> eventually make the products that will bring in the money.
>>> As for Microsoft being the predominant OS, that is debatable now.
>>> Take a look at the chart on this page
>>> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems [1])
>>> that shows that Windows is trailing Android, and Android is Linux
>>> under the covers. While I suspect you were referring to desktop
>>> interfaces, it was only a few years ago that we would not have
>>> imagined that Linux would be so predominant in the handheld space -
>>> give Linux time, it is still growing.
>>> But even if the comment is true on the desktop, remember we are
>>> looking at the segment of the market that is tinkering in
>>> electronics - and that segment does lean more toward Linux than the
>>> traditional segment.
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Fred Ebeling
>>> <FEbeling at ecpdesigns.com> wrote:
>>> I am always interested in others ideas on the “why and what
>>> fors” that companies
>>> do things. I would have to guess if I was in marketing that Arduino
>>> products are
>>> not a big percentage of ATMELs bottom line. They would more like to
>>> have companies
>>> that purchase 100K units a year, or a car company that purchases 10
>>> million.
>>> These companies are using the latest software, not the Arduino
>>> environment.
>>> As for the choice of Microsoft operating system. WAKE UP!! you
>>> are in a very small
>>> minority that doe not use it! (VERY SMALL)
>>> Fred Ebeling
>>> FROM: Rodney Radford via TriEmbed
>>> SENT: Monday, October 19, 2015 2:44 PM
>>> TO: Bill Farrow
>>> CC: trianglerobotics ; TriEmbed Discussion
>>> SUBJECT: Re: [TriEmbed] [TAR] New free Atmel Studio 7 development
>>> studio now lets you input Arduino sketches.
>>> I do agree this is a marketing ploy by Atmel, and they are a bit
>>> late to the party. I was using Atmel products long before Arduino,
>>> but I have not fired up the Atmel IDE in ages. I personally hate
>>> the Arduino IDE, which is the only positive thing about Atmel
>>> getting back in, but I have been happy with a simple text editor and
>>> make files.
>>> And yes, the MS Windows only is a bad decision for many of the
>>> target audience they are hoping to hit.
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Bill Farrow <bill at arrowsreach.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I don't think Atmel will succeed. They are trying to win back the
>>> hobbiest and educational market that is exploding away from them out
>>> of their control. The key concepts of Arduino was Open Source and
>>> code simplicity. Bringing out a proprietary IDE and importing your
>>> simple sketches into a more complex language and project format is
>>> probably not going to excite to many people.
>>> Plus, it is MS Windows only :-( So no one in my household is able to
>>> use it.
>>> Bill
>>> -------------------------
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