[TriEmbed] [TAR] New free Atmel Studio 7 development studio now lets you input Arduino sketches.

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 13:44:20 CDT 2015

I do agree this is a marketing ploy by Atmel, and they are a bit late to
the party.  I was using Atmel products long before Arduino, but I have not
fired up the Atmel IDE in ages.  I personally hate the Arduino IDE, which
is the only positive thing about Atmel getting back in, but I have been
happy with a simple text editor and make files.

And yes, the MS Windows only is a bad decision for many of the target
audience they are hoping to hit.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Bill Farrow <bill at arrowsreach.com> wrote:

> I don't think Atmel will succeed. They are trying to win back the hobbiest
> and educational market that is exploding away from them out of their
> control. The key concepts of Arduino was Open Source and code simplicity.
> Bringing out a proprietary IDE and importing your simple sketches into a
> more complex language and project format is probably not going to excite to
> many people.
> Plus, it is MS Windows only :-( So no one in my household is able to use
> it.
> Bill
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