[TriEmbed] EE tutorial talks
kschilf at yahoo.com
kschilf at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 24 01:10:51 CDT 2015
Hi Ryan,
That sounds like an interesting demonstration. I am a big fan of visual analogies. :-)
Several good suggestions have been made (reading datasheets, transistors, opamps, motors, etc.). My two cents would be start with the basics. It sounds like you and I are on the same page. I can not attend in August, but we could go back to to back Aug/Sept or tandem in Sept? I don't know what other events are planned in the coming months?
Here is the initial list:
Mention the math but focus on real world operation
Ohm's Law V= IZ = IR and the difference between R and Z
The 3 Passives (R, L, C) Impulse and frequency response Energy consumption vs. storage
Real vs. ideal components RC time constants & resonance
Inrush current & inductive voltage drop
Simplified explanation of how a diode works
Simplified explanation of how a linear regulator works
Simplified comparison to a switching regulator
Power - VI = I2R = WattsVoltage - VoltsCurrent - AmpsImpedance - Ohms
Decibel - db, dbW, dbmW, etc.RMS - Root Mean SquarePWM - Pulse Width ModulationOpen drain / open collector output stage
Totem pole / push-pull outage stage
Sincerely,Kevin SchilfDigital Telesis, Inc.919 349 7730
From: Ryan Schuster via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org>
To: triembed at triembed.org
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 6:43 PM
Subject: [TriEmbed] EE tutorial talks
Has there been much more talk about doing talks on basic EE stuff?
I'm buying a small water pump and some plastic tubing to demonstrate current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, and inductance with water for a computer camp that I teach at. It might be a good visual aid for a talk at the next meeting.
Other than basics, there are some other things that I think might be especially relevant to embedded stuff that I could talk about at future meetings, if anyone's interested:
- input/output/power supply protection/isolation/decoupling- making good measurements (types of measurement equipment, how to drive them, handling ground loops, proper setup, etc.)- signal conditioning (filtering, amplification, attenuation)- considerations for driving inputs/outputs (fan-in/fan-out, current limits, inductive/capacitive loads, and related problems)
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