[TriEmbed] EE tutorial talks

Ryan Schuster ryans1138 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 17:43:31 CDT 2015

Has there been much more talk about doing talks on basic EE stuff?

I'm buying a small water pump and some plastic tubing to demonstrate
current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, and inductance with water for a
computer camp that I teach at.  It might be a good visual aid for a talk at
the next meeting.

Other than basics, there are some other things that I think might be
especially relevant to embedded stuff that I could talk about at future
meetings, if anyone's interested:

- input/output/power supply protection/isolation/decoupling
- making good measurements (types of measurement equipment, how to drive
them, handling ground loops, proper setup, etc.)
- signal conditioning (filtering, amplification, attenuation)
- considerations for driving inputs/outputs (fan-in/fan-out, current
limits, inductive/capacitive loads, and related problems)
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