[TriEmbed] Wireless Camera for 3D Printer

Dishit Parekh dpparekh at ncsu.edu
Fri Apr 3 09:37:06 CDT 2015

Hi all,

I am using a CubePro Trio 3d Printer from 3D Systems in my lab at NC state
and wish to control it wirelessly from an outdoor location (home, office,
etc.). I am planning to use the OctoPrint <http://octoprint.org> software
for the controlling part with a Raspberry Pi. Can you suggest me some good
cameras to monitor the activity of my 3d printer for the same. Thank you! :)

Thanks and Regards,
Dishit Parekh
*PhD Student - 2nd Year,*
*External VP, **CBE GSA*

*Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE),North Carolina
State University, USA.*
*Phone (M):* (919) 888-8274, *E-mail:* dpparekh at ncsu.edu *
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