[TriEmbed] Current Amp Hour episode much better than average

Carl Nobile carl.nobile at gmail.com
Sat May 3 16:05:35 CDT 2014

Interesting, I use LTspice fairly often. I'll have to give it a listen.


On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Pete Soper <pete at soper.us> wrote:

> Folks who listen to this podcast will appreciate what a mixed bag it is.
> I've adapted and gotten used to the extraordinary "personality factors"
> involved with the guys behind this (and genuinely like them a lot now),
> while finding nuggets of info from their show.
> But the current podcast is mostly an interview of Mike Englehardt, the
> author of Linear Technology's "Spice Simulator" LTSpice, which only shares
> a name with the original Berkeley program. I didn't understand 95% of what
> was said (99.889% of the "self-authoring code", pipelining, compilation,
> etc down to 0.000002% of the "definition of Spice is a circuit simulator
> employing a global Jacobian", differential equation convergence, etc). But
> they key thing is that the interviewee is one of those extraordinary humans
> who understands truly mind-bendingly complex subjects like the back of his
> hand and who is able to communicate things effectively by on the fly
> translation to metaphors that mere mortals can begin to understand.  I
> enjoyed every minute and feel like I learned a wee bit. Those of you with
> more hard core EE backgrounds who have an interest in analog circuit design
> may find this worthwhile, especially the special tips vis a vis LTSpice
> usage. But in general it may be just the thing to listen to instead of a
> "Car Talk" retread while doing Saturday tidy-up in your electronics shop.
> :-)
> http://www.theamphour.com/196-an-interview-with-mike-
> englehardt-spice-simulator-synteresis/
> -Pete
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Carl J. Nobile (Software Engineer)
carl.nobile at gmail.com
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