[TriEmbed] Current Amp Hour episode much better than average

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sat May 3 10:46:51 CDT 2014

Folks who listen to this podcast will appreciate what a mixed bag it is. 
I've adapted and gotten used to the extraordinary "personality factors" 
involved with the guys behind this (and genuinely like them a lot now), 
while finding nuggets of info from their show.

But the current podcast is mostly an interview of Mike Englehardt, the 
author of Linear Technology's "Spice Simulator" LTSpice, which only 
shares a name with the original Berkeley program. I didn't understand 
95% of what was said (99.889% of the "self-authoring code", pipelining, 
compilation, etc down to 0.000002% of the "definition of Spice is a 
circuit simulator employing a global Jacobian", differential equation 
convergence, etc). But they key thing is that the interviewee is one of 
those extraordinary humans who understands truly mind-bendingly complex 
subjects like the back of his hand and who is able to communicate things 
effectively by on the fly translation to metaphors that mere mortals can 
begin to understand.  I enjoyed every minute and feel like I learned a 
wee bit. Those of you with more hard core EE backgrounds who have an 
interest in analog circuit design may find this worthwhile, especially 
the special tips vis a vis LTSpice usage. But in general it may be just 
the thing to listen to instead of a "Car Talk" retread while doing 
Saturday tidy-up in your electronics shop. :-)



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