[TriEmbed] decent nRF24L01+ library code out there?

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Mon Apr 7 18:07:06 CDT 2014

I realize this is a very popular radio. With any luck I'll be in a
position in coming weeks to submit a few "solved" postings to the
forums. In the meantime I need to understand why my radios aren't  even
providing sensible status register info. (For anybody else using this
chip: if you read the status register and bit 7 is a one, *something is
broken*, as Nordic Semi guarantees that bit to be a zero)


On 04/07/2014 06:38 PM, Terry King wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> I'd love to put up any code/library and suggestions you have for the
> Arduino community.  This is a VERY popular subject. The page:
> http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo
> has had 4773 views in the first 7 DAYS of April, and 70440 in 2014
> and (checking) 159986 in 2013.
> This is NOT a brag.. those are people who want to successfully use
> nRF24L01 based radios because of their low cost and high functionality. I
> want to help them and I want to update and add to the information there on
> ArduinoInfo.Info
> Pete, let me know if you need some hardware to test with.
> Regards, Terry King  ...In The Woods In Vermont
> terry at yourduino.com
> ---------------------( COPY )---------------------
>>     Thanks for the pointers.
>>      Unfortunately how-tos and the like have not been the limiting factor
>> and the Maniacbug library is the first one I tried. It's the one that
>> nearly shocked my shorts off when it reported received packets when my
>> other radio was not powered up and I confirmed there was NOTHING
>> transmitting in that part of the 2.4ghz. Before this is done I'll be
>> submitting patches for these libraries so they can discriminate the most
>> basic fault conditions. Surely this is critically important to
>> beginners. It's got to be a worse case screwup to have code so totally
>> bogus that it can't tell the difference between a nonfunctional
>> interface or a perfect lack of communication and expected communication.
>>     I've been looking at the Nordic Semi code that can be downloaded.
>> Ugly proprietary notices and not much info, but maybe they won't sue me
>> if I look at their code and datasheet as I write my own library code.
>> Regards,
>> Pete
>> On 04/07/2014 05:38 PM, Terry King wrote:
>>> Hi, Lots of info here:
>>> http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Nrf24L01-2.4GHz-HowTo
>>> And there is another library by Maniacbug that most people use.
>>> Examples here:
>>> http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/nRF24L01-RF24-Examples
>>> Regards, Terry King
>>> ...In The Woods in Vermont, USA
>>> terry at yourduino.com
>>>> Anybody using this 2.4ghz radio chip? I just got to the bottom of why
>>>> the library code I've been trying to use is hallucinating packet
>>>> reception and have to say I'm pretty disappointed in the quality of it
>>>> (the "Mirf" library mentioned at arduino.cc).  Reading an entire eight
>>>> bit status register and keying off any bit in the byte being nonzero to
>>>> determine completion of a specific operation would be shocking if it
>>>> wasn't so brain dead that shocking would be a relative complement.
>>>> What are you guys using?
>>>> -Pete
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>>> Regards, Terry King
>>> ...In the Woods in Vermont USA
>>> terry at terryking.us
>>> -The One who Dies with the most Parts LOSES. What do you need??
> Regards, Terry King
> ...In the Woods in Vermont USA
> terry at terryking.us
> -The One who Dies with the most Parts LOSES. What do you need??
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