[TriEmbed] Arduino UNO/Mega, interrupts

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 12:12:24 CDT 2013

The way I look at a project where i am only building one of them, I will
look at my time/effort vs the effect, and decide what gets the decided
effect the easiest and cheapest.  So where am I going with this?

If you know you can drive two with an Uno, and you doubled the number of
servos, why not just double the number of Unos?  It is probably cheaper and
easier than switching to a Mega, and gets the job done.  Just a thought...

As far as the hardware, I am not sure how the interrupts work on an Arduino
(never used them), so not sure if they are truly hardware interrupts or
polled units.  I know it is easily possible to drive 4+ servos and listen
to interrupts on the smaller Atmel chip, so perhaps the issue is the
Arduino environment, or possibly something blocking it in your code.  Would
you be willing to post your code for others to see/review?

On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Alan Wiggs <alanwiggs at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a project where I am running 4 servos and calling to (simple)
> falling interrupts on Pins 2 & 3.
> I have switched to a Mega because when I added Increased the number of
> servos from 2 to 4, the project only recognizes 2 when the interrupts are
> active.
> Should I switch to other pins on the Mega board? I lost my Arduino
> Cookbook, so if someone has a good example I would appreciate it.
> Oh by the way my project is for the Festival in Motion Sat 9/28, For those
> who know me it is for the Champ/Chump bike race machine that was at Maker
> Fair.
> Some history, Originally 2 servos were Large Speedometers, and they were
> very accurate and worked great.
> I added a race position track with 2 more servos, the Speedometers do not
> function until the race is over and the Interrupts are not working.
> Thanks again....
> If you want a fun free festival bring the whole family to Festival in
> Motion www.Fesitvalinmotion.com 10 till 2pm.
> R,
> Alan Wiggs
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