[TriEmbed] Arduinos and the TSA

Lauren Putvin lewoods at ncsu.edu
Mon Dec 2 13:45:58 CST 2013

Hello all,


I'm a grad student and using an Arduino with some sensors attached as part
of my grad school project.  I'd like to take it with me on vacation to work
on it some and was hoping some of you had experience in this area.  I don't
think they are specifically disallowed by the TSA, but do you get the back
room special treatment for taking a microcontroller with you as a carry on
or in your luggage?  I'd like to minimize the pain since I will have to make
connections and don't want to miss those because of hours of security BS.  


Lauren Putvin

Biomedical Engineering Graduate Student 

Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines  <http://www.crim.ncsu.edu/>

North Carolina State University 

919-599-1727 (mobile)

919-515-7016 (lab)


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