[TriEmbed] Need DevOps person where I work

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 11:31:04 CDT 2024

My work has the need for a DevOps person:

   - CI/CD pipeline (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment)
      - Software build & delivery for static analysis, automated unit
      testing, and integration testing
      - Build processes, steps, sequencing, and conditional rules
      - *"automating CI/CD throughout development, testing, production, and
      monitoring phases of the software development lifecycle"*
   - GitLab pipeline (and maybe some GitHub pipeline work as well)
      - Proficient in GitLab and GitLab processes
      - YAML development
      - Docker container management
   - GitLab / JIRA integration
   - Workflow automation

They are looking for a contractor to work through a preferred contracting
vendor, full or half-or-3/4-time, remote or on-site (RTP):

Pirelli Pandac

Triple Crown Consulting

ppandac at tripleco.com

- and please mention me so Pirelli knows the right job you would be
applying for

If you are looking for work, or a side-hustle to supplement your income let
me know.

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
scottghall1 at gmail.com
*Although kindness is rarely a job, no matter what you do it's always an
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