[TriEmbed] FW: September AMG meetings
The MacDougals
paulmacdnc at att.net
Thu Sep 7 15:25:13 CDT 2023
---> Paul
From: Alamance Makers Guild <info at alamancemakers.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2023 1:52 PM
To: Paul <paulmacd at acm.org>
Subject: September AMG meetings
<https://mailchi.mp/fa5188c4fb3e/september-amg-meetings?e=2092b29c7a> View this email in your browser
Dates to add to your calendar
EMP (Electronics, Microprocessors, and Programming) meeting Thursday Sept. 14th 7:00 pm. This meeting will be held on-line. If you are interested, please contact either Lee Atkinson or Nim Batchelor and we will see that you are added to the Zoom meeting invitation. (lee at meanstridetech.com <mailto:lee at meanstridetech.com> or nim.batchelor at gmail.com <mailto:nim.batchelor at gmail.com> ).
Alamance Video Makers meeting Wednesday Sept. 20th 6:00-7:45 May Memorial Library (downtown Burlington). Last month, we had a very interesting session where we: watched Kerry set up for a video shoot, watched as he recored a short video, and then we all gathered around as Kerry walked us through the basics of using DaVinci Resolve to edit the brief video. We are well underway with conducting sessions that offer practical advice to those who wish to improve the quality of the videos that they are making. Please join us.
General AMG meeting Wednesday Sept. 27th 6:00-7:45 May Memorial Library (downtown Burlington).
I have invited Michael Schwalbe to offer us a presentation/conversation at this meeting. Michael is an author, a photographer and retired NC State sociology professor. He has written books and articles that focus on makers and making. I expect that everyone will very much enjoy meeting and conversing with Michael. It promises to be an interesting evening. So, please make a special effort to attend this meeting of the Guild.
If you know of any makers, artists, tinkerers, etc, who might be interested in the activities of the Gulid, please be sure to share this information with them. We would like to boost membership and attendance just a bit, so we'd appreciate your help with spreading the word about our meetings. Perhaps you could post about our meetings on your social media accounts. Every little bit helps. Thanks so much.
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