[TriEmbed] RARSfest is coming !!

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 08:03:05 CST 2023

*{ can you please forward this on to the membership }*

OK folks, I've secured a table for TriEmbed (really 2) at the upcoming
RARSfest hamfest at the fairgrounds on Saturday, April 8!  Every year all
the non-profit maker-type clubs get together on an island of tables to show
off projects we're working on and promote our clubs.  We're setting up on
Friday from 12 - 5pm.  Bring projects and writeups stuff to show off, and
please bring fliers to hand out and maybe a banner to hang in front of your
table.  A QR code for people to scan on their phones is great too.  The
hamfest is open to the public Saturday at 8am and I'll be there when they
let us in at 6:30am to turn things on and such.  When you come ask for the
tables under my name: Scott Hall

The island of tables will include: a Learn To Solder table, SplatSpace,
TriEmbed, Triangle Amateur Robotics (TAR), TriLUG, Alamance Makers Guild,
Triangle Area Makers and I am hoping The Forge Initiative.  Even though I
have secured a table for TriEmbed, you'll need to purchase your own
tickets:  https://www.rarsfest.org/admission.php, $10 each preregistered,
$12 day of the hamfest.

Invite all the persons in TriEmbed as you can to come -- more manpower
means more breaks to check out the rest of the hamfest.
Email me if you have any questions.

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
scottghall1 at gmail.com
*Although kindness is rarely a job, no matter what you do it's always an
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