[TriEmbed] Raspberry Pi raw boards very hard to find Re: Fwd: New Raspberry Pi Zero 2!

Brian triembed at undecidedgames.net
Fri Oct 29 09:39:59 CDT 2021

On 10/29/21 9:34 AM, Pete Soper via TriEmbed wrote:
> But maybe a bunch of us need to go to Los Angeles to help unload 
> the containers or get commercial driver licenses to get a truck load or 
> two across to our coast. :-) (There is a severe shortage of truck 
> drivers here: it isn't just in UK and Europe).

I've always thought it would be fun to drive a big rig!  Apparently lots 
of people agree, given there are at least two major tractor-trailer 
driving simulators on the video game market right now.  Too bad I can't 
really afford to leave my current life behind to pursue that 
impulse...but it sure would be neat.


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