[TriEmbed] format and content for November meeting needed (this is for you)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Oct 15 07:31:31 CDT 2021


    In the past three months we had an excellent overview of RF theory 
by Kevin McClanning, my short walk through mutual exclusion techniques 
with interrupt and non-interrupt code and gdb ramble related to using a 
Particle board, and Nick Edgington's introduction to and demo of 
amazingly cheap and accessible FPGA dev boards.

   Nobody has volunteered a talk for November and we haven't had any 
"problem of the month" or "code review of the month" short pieces and 
just a bit of show and tell.

   What would you "dial in" to see and hear November 8th? Is there a 
format that would motivate you to pull together something to share? The 
meetings are extremely casual, comfortable and the opposite of what a 
shy person might find painful. Recording is strictly under the control 
of the attendees: if you don't want to be recorded, you don't have to be 
(unless you speak while another person is presenting with recording on). 
We all help each other with finding and navigating the Jitsi menus (and 
the mystery I dealt with last month is now understood, so you don't have 
to present with your own face right next to your slides as the sun is 
going down in your car!)

   Let's hash this out sooner than later as the next second Monday comes 

Pete (standing in for Paul)

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