[TriEmbed] Monday Mtg & email list

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 8 09:55:12 CST 2021

All good points Gregg. But just to add that it's also the point that you just get tired of trying to remember it all and forgetting it all is sooooo enticing. Hahahaahaha!

Just like people get the idea that TV sucks the life out of your brain. During my life it was a window into knowledge. It's just how you use the tool. 

So point made about Social Media and for sure the productive people out there are using it to their advantage. Yet I still don't care or want to participate. Sailing sounds nice these days.`,~)

John Vaughters

On Friday, January 8, 2021, 10:43:19 AM EST, Gregg Tracton <tracton at gmail.com> wrote: 

And stay off my lawn, you whippersnappers!  :)

TL;DR: we should be using a private FB group instead of this maillist.

I think the brain has a max capacity, so everytime I figure out how to
fix a phone, I lose some other memory.  I just contacted a cousin I'd swore I
had no prior knowledge of, only to find I'd written his name on a family chart
30 years ago.

So it's priorities about what to retain.
I think social media is high on the list, at least for me. YMMV.

Like how google displays conversations instead of individual messages,
FB is smoother for most workflows, so it requires less learning than,
say, figuring out why a maillist is not delivering.
That leaves me more brain capacity for the stuff I really want to retain.

[ I wish that for every new memory I could choose which old memory to delete. ]

A private Facebook group works similarly to a maillist, except for the ads.
Ads pay the bills. Who pays the bills for the mailist?

And the PRO's are overwhelming: deleting posts (ex, to limit the spread of
a bad link), simple polls, splitting broadcasts from conversations, or a Q&A
requirement that qualifies members for joining, like:
  name a circuit you're familiar with.
  what's the functional difference between a robot and a cyborg?

Enjoy the faux snow today,

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