[TriEmbed] Triangle Embedded Interest Group monthly meeting reminder: Monday 12/13/21

Pete Soper pete at apexprotofactory.com
Thu Dec 9 12:53:53 CST 2021

We will have our regular monthly meeting online on Monday 11/8 at 7:00 
pm EDT
To join the meeting point your browser to https://meet.jit.si/TriEmbed


- Welcome new attendees

- Announcements

- Problem/Design Review of the Month (but none scheduled so far)

- Program part I:

     This month’s presentation will be by Nick Edgington of Edgington 
Labs. Nick will share details of Dialog's line of very inexpensive mixed 
signal FPGAs (initial breakout board coming from OSH Park).

- Program part II:

    The TriEmbed Community  Project working group will provide updates 
about their activities and goals for their next meeting on the 20th.

- Show and Tell
The sky isn't the limit, unless it is blue and genuinely infinite

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