[TriEmbed] arduino.cc down for a week

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Nov 10 08:24:31 CST 2020

Charles Lord helped me establish this "outage" is an artifact of my AT&T 
DSL route to the site. But my faith in https://www.isitdownrightnow.com 
was also eroded, as it showed arduino.cc as "down for six days 18 
hours". Whatever. Please continue with your regularly scheduled program. :-)


On 11/10/20 8:26 AM, Pete Soper wrote:
> I can get to URLs "under" arduino.cc (e.g. here 
> <https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/nxpmotionsense/>) but 
> the main site is not accessible and it's been this way for some time. 
> Anybody know what's up with that?
> -Pete
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