[TriEmbed] Atmega328PB has more stuff in it than the 328P

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Oct 1 20:20:54 CDT 2019

I was shopping for a high temp Atmega328 when I noticed there are two 
choices where I expected just one. There is a "328PB" chip that has more 
peripherals than the familiar 328P part. The PB has a second I2C port, 
four more PWM channels, a second UART, two extra 16 bit counters,  and 
some kind of extra touch sensing capability. Q1 cost for the 328PB from 
Digikey is $2.14 vs $1.46 for the 328P (32 pin TQFP package with 85C 
temp limit).

Also, Pololu has Ardino IDE support for a chunk of the additional 
functionality according to this page <https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J74/4.4>.

Here are summary pages that are easy to compare with. The "port 
multiplexing" tables are especially nice for figuring out what pins can 
do what.

Atmega328PB Summary <http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/eATmega328PB 
Summary Datasheetn/DeviceDoc/40001907A.pdf>
Atmega328P Summary 

Finally, the second USART port of the PB is actually labeled as the 
second SPI port. Not sure if this means there are actually three SPI 
ports possible. (With the P part the USART can be configured for SPI. 
Details here <https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=100997.0>.)


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