[TriEmbed] ATMEGA 1284P boards

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Mar 20 09:06:21 CDT 2018

Anyone interested in some ATMEGA 1284P boards? Physically they’re like the Sanguino boards. They have a barrel power connector, regulator, ICSP, JTAG, etc… pretty comprehensive. They are breadboard-friendly. One is set up for 3.3v and 8 MHZ, the other two are 5v 16 MHz. They have an Arduino bootloader for Mighty Mini 1284p.

I don’t see myself ever getting around to using them at this point. They’re good boards if you want AVR and a ton of RAM and pins.

I’d like to trade for something like an Arduino M0 - something ATSAMD21 with a JTAG connector I can use with my Segger MINI.

Let me know and I’ll bring them with me to RARSFest.


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