[TriEmbed] Wireless radio communications for microcontrollers

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 11:49:38 CDT 2018

Recently in TriLUG, TriEmbed and TriBRAE meetings we have talked about various
options to send data over a wireless link.  They include:

  * Near field communications (NFC) - limited range to a few inches
  * Bluetooth LE - designed for PAN (Personal Area Networks) limited to a few feet
  * Zigbee - low power SAN (Small Area Networks) limited to tens of feet, maybe
    a hundred feet
  * 802.11-based Wi-Fi - limited to same as Zigbee but tied into the Internet
  * Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) - power hungry radios using licensed cellular
    infrastructure to carry over many miles
  * LoRa and Sigfox - low-power, long-range radios in unlicensed ISM bands
    designed to carry over many miles

Here are a couple of articles featured in Radio Electronics Magazine's
newsletter from DigiKey:

Welcome to the Wireless Menagerie: Part 1

Welcome to the Wireless Menagerie: Part 2

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com

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