[TriEmbed] Stepper motor help

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 22:08:23 CST 2018

My first thought is I wonder if the stepper is wired up correctly. Both of
those are 4 wire steppers, or basically two separate coils and they have to
be hooked up correctly to 'step' or sequence the power order to the coils.
If not, the stepper will possibly hum, may even jerk occasionally, but will
not rotate.

Next is how are you driving the stepper motor input, as it is possible it
is not wired up correctly or sequenced correctly. Are you using an Arduino
stepper program to drive it?

Any input you can provide on the wiring would be helpful to verify it is
wired correctly.

Next, steppers work best when the force applied against them is small and
constant - they don't have good holding torque, nor can they handle
jerkiness (uneven hold requirements). Typically you will see a stepper
driving a screw shaft against a nut - so the force is multiplied
significantly by the mechanical advantage of the screw drive.

It may be sufficient power, but more detail is needed about the pull on the
rope - what is the other end of the rope connected to? Can you quantify or
estimate the amount of pull expected on the rope?

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 9:52 PM, Craig Cook via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> I have a project where I need to move a stepper motor, it needs to push a
> 1/4 inch rope through a roller.
> I have one of these working: https://www.adafruit.com/product/324 but it
> seems to lack pushing power.  If I help pull the the rope it works well.  I
> think I need a more powerful stepper.
> I also have one of these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/
> product/B00PNEQI7W/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
> (17HS16-2004S1)
> I am using this to drive them: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/
> product/B014KMHSW6/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza
> I think it should work. My power supply says it is DC output 12 V, 3.33A
> Max. (I think it came from an old laptop or printer)
> With no pressure on the Adifruit stepper it seems to work. When I try the
> other stepper, it gets lots of pauses, the power light on the L298N flashes
> on sometimes and the stepper hums like it is trying to move.
> I'm using an Arduino Uno to control everything.
> When the larger stepper is trying to run I measure around 3 V at the power
> terminals on the L298N, around 0.01 mA (using breadboard jumper wires to
> connect power supply to controller).
> Do I need a different motor controller? Should I find a different stepper?
> Should I buy a bench power supply?
> Thanks
> Craig
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