[TriEmbed] ESP32 as Weather Station

Dwight Morgan dwight.w.morgan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 17:36:39 CST 2018

I'm trying to get the Weather Station described in the YouTube link at the
bottom working using all the same parts (except I'm using a Nextion 3.5
display instead of the 3.2). I've successfully tested the all the hardware:
the ESP32, the BME280 sensor, and the Nextion display. However, I'm having
issues with the code. 


The project has the ESP32 read barometric pressure, temperature, and
relative humidity from the BME280 sensor and write it to the Nextion
display over I2C. It also uses API from OpenWeatherMap.org to update the
Weather forecast. 


At this point I just want to know if anybody has done this and made it work
or a similar project. If so, maybe I could get a little help there as I go. 








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