[TriEmbed] Core Memory shield for Arduino

Huan Truong htruong at tnhh.net
Sun Apr 29 16:49:27 CDT 2018

> For the people who remember the computers that used them.

I am a millennial. My first PC that I ever touched was a Pentium II - 266 Mhz. 

Seems like that there is a resurgence/renaissance of retro-tech lately and I 
can't be more glad to see that. I think retro-tech is not limited to just 
nostalgia, having hardware that we can actually see how it works is great.

Nowadays, the amount of optimization on both hardware and software makes it 
almost near impossible to understand even how a simple instruction works. The 
whole Spectre/meltdown fiasco was just an illustration of the complexity and 
its complications.

Nowadays, I sometimes program in CUDA C and I would think most programmers 
don't even touch that level, let alone assembly and low level hardware.


Huan Truong

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