[TriEmbed] need some specific help tonight

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Mon Oct 9 12:51:02 CDT 2017

   I have a problem that is off topic, but there is past precedent for 
us helping each other with whatever. I'm hoping somebody can sit with me 
and my laptop for a few minutes at tonight's meeting and help me 
implement a secure but strictly limited access scenario with my personal 
domain server.

   I have a git repo on my personal domain server and can push/pull 
remotely using my user account id and password on a server running an 
old version of CentOS (2.6 kernel).

   What I need is to enable alternate access by a second party where the 
person doing the access a) cannot use it for anything except a git push 
or pull, b) uses a different password from my regular one, and c) can 
instantly lose this access if I'm told by my ISP that this dog won't 
hunt in regards to his terms of service.

   My simple minded understanding of this is that I need to arrange a 
second ssh password, which I think I can figure out, and somehow only 
allow that password to be used for git commands (which I have no clue 
about). I think this latter detail is either impossible without a second 
user account on the server, and that isn't an option, or else with some 
additional authentication magic that recognizes my regular password and 
proceeds or this other password that redefines PATH or something to make 
all but git inaccessible. Or maybe somebody knows of a virtually nearby 
log I can fall over.


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