[TriEmbed] Anyone with soldering skills willing to help?

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 09:57:15 CST 2017

I am down to 23 days before I leave for SoutheastCon in Charlotte, and
while most of the big items are done, or nearing completion, I have a lot
of small tasks that need to be done.

I have two tasks I think I can farm out:
* soldering leader wires to the vibration sensor and neopixel sticks
* wiring up the relay boards

The first task just needs someone handy with a soldering iron. There are 8x
neopixel sticks that need 3x wires soldered to each, and 8x vibration
sensors that need 2x wires soldered to each. Once that is done, I will add
the heatshrink around the connections and mount them to the light sabers.
So a total of 40x solder joints to prep, solder, inspect - should take
about 1-2 hours, tops.  If you are handy with a soldering iron and want to
do this, let me know.  I will have the parts for this at tonight's TAR/IEEE
meeting and can hand them off then - and can either meet you in the
triangle to pick them up, or get them at the TriEmbed meeting next Monday

The second task is wiring up the relay tree that is used to select the
parts for stage one (cap, inductor, wire, diode, inductor). This will
involve about 35-40 wires to strip and connect to the relay tree (16x relay
board). I have one person who has expressed interest in this (Paul Bell),
but since there are 9-9x of these relay boards to do, perhaps this job can
be split among several people. The big issue is I have not completed the
wiring diagram for this yet - a task on my TODO list or the next few days.
I can meet you in the triangle area to give you the boards, wires, and
connection diagram if interested.

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