[TriEmbed] [TAR] Beagle Bone Blue - more peripherals for embedded systems

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 24 08:20:13 CDT 2017

Thanks for sharing Rodney, it looks pretty awesome overall. I am not sure what voltage your motors are running at, but the chip will take up to 15V, I would consider 12V for commonality reasons, as well as I tend to like to operate under max settings. Plus heat sink those chips to get the most out power out of them. Not to mention, you can over drive a 12V motor with 15V and smart PWM usage if needed. The price is low if you are building a capable robot. I think a bit high for just messing around.

I've been messing around with OrangePi Zero which is super cheap. I bought 10 of them for just less than $100 that included shipping cost and they come with WIFI, which is ok for low loads. The Armbian community has taken on this board and it is easy start up. Also DietPi has a distro which I have not tried yet, but it look promising. It is a stripped down version of Armbian. Overall, it is a great board for low cost experimentation. If you plan on doing anything with the board other than play around, make sure and use a heat sink on the processor. I have been pairing the boards with an Arduino Nano on a UART and the combination works well and is fairly compact. My goal with this set up is a sensor/control network and eventually a two wheeled robot that sends/receives over WIFI. Right now the sensor network is starting to take shape.
I just wanted to share my recent experience with this low cost board as I think it has merit for getting started in embedded or robotic learning.
John Vaughters

On Sunday, July 23, 2017, 8:25:58 AM EDT, Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com [trianglerobotics] <trianglerobotics at yahoogroups.com> wrote:


There is a new Beagle Bone board now - Blue - that contains some very nice features for robotics or anything that needs motor controls.


Here is the list of sensors:
   - Battery: 2-cell LiPo support with balancing, 9-18V charger input
   - Wireless: 802.11bgn, Bluetooth 4.1 and BLE
   - Motor control: 8 6V servo out, 4 DC motor out, 4 quadrature encoder in
   - Sensors: 9 axis IMU, barometer
   - Connectivity: HighSpeed USB 2.0 client and host
   - User interface: 11 user programmable LEDs, 2 user programmable buttons
   - Easy connect interfaces for adding additional sensors such as: GPS, DSM2 radio, UARTs, SPI, I2C, 1.8V analog, 3.3V GPIOs

The motors support 1.2A continous and 3.2A peak and are driven by two of the following motor control chips:


The quadrature signals are counted in hardware with no CPU required.

A 'C' API is available for communicating with all the peripherals:


Available and in stock now at $79.99:

Looks like I will be buying a new toy soon as this will be the perfect board to control my four wheel mecanum robot. I just wished the motor specs were a bit higher as the motors I am using are right on the edge of what is allowed (250mA free run, stall is 2.4A) and I don't want to risk burning out an $80 board on a stall. However, I could easily push the motor drivers to their own board, with heavier specs, and still come out ahead with everything else on this board.

  __._,_.___     Posted by: Rodney Radford <ncgadgetry at gmail.com>     
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