[TriEmbed] TriEmbed Digest, Vol 44, Issue 37

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Mon Jan 30 12:11:34 CST 2017

> KiCAD's Github library management is a little short-sighted.  Unless 
> they've fixed it recently, the github "plugin" (they aren't really 
> plugins, but that's another story) doesn't cache, and the first one to 
> fail will stop the rest of the libraries from loading.  It's a rather 
> rickety setup, IMNSHO.
> I've got my own fork of KiCAD to which I've added RDBMS library 
> support...perhaps I'll take a look at making the github plugin more 
> robust as well.  There're a number of things I'd like to make better 
> about it.

I got KiCAD working on an lubuntu laptop, where github works through a
proxy, and got my ATTiny85 schematic into a PCB layout. It took
re-choosing every single component, as somehow between the windows and
linux version there's some minor differences in parts. Maybe the windows
version is outdated?

Anyhow, I'm finally looking at a mess of parts on the screen to move
into their proper places. This is trying my patience, but I haven't yet
given up.


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