[TriEmbed] TriEmbed Digest, Vol 51, Issue 17

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Aug 25 12:53:08 CDT 2017

> I personally think it would terrific if you could pick up where Craig 
> Cook, Charlie West and I left off, but Paul is on point these days. 
> Craig did a great job of recording many past presentations and Charlie a 
> smaller number. All or most are on Youtube, linked from the meetings 
> archive page: 
> http://triembed.org/blog/meetings/triembed-presentation-archive/ 
> (Apologies if someone else did a recording that I've forgotten about).

OK I'll try a laptop next meeting and see if NCSU blocks it or not.
Youtube archives the streams for you, all you have to do is go in and
add some meta-data to make them easier to find.

"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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