[TriEmbed] Edison's Revenge: The Rise of DC Power

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 17 15:25:30 CDT 2017

Yes, DC is also a way to transmit power between to AC grids without having to sync the two grids. Turns out that DC transmission is actually more efficient, but raising and lowering voltage is still the problem. AC still the preferred distribution power for ease of manipulation, and don't forget the use of 3 phase motors. Overall DC still not a good choice for power grids. i could certainly see an argument for wiring DC in a house for some local power generation like solar, but for the most part do not expect much change for a several decades. 
DC does have it's purpose, but I would not predict any revenge for Edison. Tesla still King for quite a while.
John Vaughters
On Thursday, August 17, 2017, 3:38:35 PM EDT, Robert Henry via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

Pauls Power Over Ethernet (POE) project inspired me to do a little research on the possibility of long distance DC transmission... turns out it's already happening - and has been for some time!
Here are a couple of articles I found interesting:https://www.technologyreview. com/s/427504/edisons-revenge- the-rise-of-dc-power/
And a more recent one highlighting some history and stuff China is doing with a long distance DC infrastructure...


Rob Henry
LT Cage Productions, LLC
ph: +1.919.245.7684

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