[TriEmbed] a few notes from last night's meeting & next steps for OSH Park boards

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Sep 13 12:52:09 CDT 2016

Mike Lisanke ( mikelisanke at gmail.com <mailto:mikelisanke at gmail.com> ) 
volunteered to do the ESP32 
<https://espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp32/overview> group buy. 
Please correspond directly with Mike.

Alex Davis gave an interesting presentation about his remote creek 
monitor system, including some impressive video of just why he would 
want to keep a virtual eye on it. Many tips and techniques and equipment 
choices covered by his talk will be of use to folks over time. We look 
forward to having Alex' slides in the meeting archive. (I'll convert 
them from ODF to PDF)

One ECPI student attended after an invite by Paul MacDougal at a recent 
talk he gave at ECPI. Thanks to Paul for his outreach.

We should have declared victory after Alex was done. From now on I 
suggest a time limit of 8pm or maybe later if a genuine majority want 
the longer time. I also suggest no formal talks next month, but the 
opportunity for general discussion and the occasional lightning talk if 
the spirit moves somebody for 10 minutes or less.

The one and only concrete proposal for using the $100 coupon given to us 
by Drew Fustini of OSH Park came from Rod Radford by email just before 
the meeting. I described this last night and have repeated Rod's full 
message below. The floor is open for a volunteer to build on last 
night's discussion and define and drive a group project to the next step.

Rod's email:

"How about a group exercise where those of you who are seasoned at it 
can walk those of us through the steps with a small board - schematic 
capture, pcb layout, routing, and sending off for prototype?

It would have to be a simple board we could complete within a 1-2 hour 
session, and I have a couple of boards that are simple that I need to 
make for SoutheastCon that would be ideal candidates if you like the 
general idea and just need a board to make.

I have three small boards - each can be sketched out on paper to show 
you, but each is less than 2"x3" in size - for the 3x powered stages of 
the robot arena.

I know that SoutheastCon is an IEEE event and not a TriEmbed, but it 
would be a good opportunity to pass along new skills, and provide help 
to a good STEM activity."

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