[TriEmbed] NextThing CHIP vs ESP32

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Sep 13 08:23:28 CDT 2016

Any other C.H.I.P. owners out there? I have a few in the parts bin, and
have been wondering when decent python GPIO support is going to be
added. Looks like someone has gotten the job done:
git clone https://github.com/xtacocorex/Adafruit_Python_GPIO.git

Discussion thread is here:

Apparently GPIO, I2C, and SPI is functional. Not quite sure about edge
detection - it sounds like that may still be a work in progress.

I've been wanting to use my BMA180 MEMS sensor as a seismic detector,
and figured the C.H.I.P. is a good solution as it has WI-FI, runs Linux,
and can run off of (and charge) a Lithium Ion battery.

BTW, I'd be willing to trade a C.H.I.P. for an ESP32. :-)

I'll be taking a break from embedded over the next month or so to work
on my homebrew electrostatic vector display, and to try recapping a pair
of Sony VO-5xxx-series U-Matic editing decks, which I recently obtained
for free. Imagine a VCR weighing in at over 50 LBS!


"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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