[TriEmbed] TriEmbed Digest, Vol 36, Issue 4

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed May 4 14:24:55 CDT 2016

On Wed, May 4, 2016, at 02:29 PM, jonjwolfe at anibit.com wrote:
> Makes sense now. Setting up GNUARM + Eclipse is actually not that hard. 
> It's much easier than it used to be. GNUARM even works with QEMU, so you 
> can run and debug your code on an emulated device.
> I guess with embed you give up a little flexibility for the sake of ease 
> of use and convenience.
> You might be able to hack your own feof in there, that's the beauty of 
> embedded, you can do naughty things to what little OS you have.

Maybe at the next meeting you can do a demo on the GNUARM + Eclipse
stuff. I'd like to see what's available library-wise as well. I'll keep
my Nucleo board around for that.

I'll probably be ordering a FRDM-K64F, as it pretty much has everything
in terms of peripherals. It's the cost of a Raspberry Pi2, but it seems
worth it for the sake of things "just working", which for now is what I

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