[TriEmbed] N-MOSFET Symbol

Grawburg grawburg at myglnc.com
Thu Mar 10 08:50:57 CST 2016

Now that is a really good and easy to understand explanation. Just enough to describe the difference.

Thanks Jim,

-----Original Message----- 
> From: "Jim Ray via TriEmbed" <triembed at triembed.org> 
> To: triembed at triembed.org 
> Date: 03/10/16 09:32 AM 
> Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] N-MOSFET Symbol 
> N-MOSFET or N-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor uses gate voltage to deplete charge under polysilicon gate for current to flow from source to drain.
> NPN or bipolar transistor uses current injected into base for electrons to flow from collector to emitter and is a completely different beast.

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