[TriEmbed] ping sensor accuracy?

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Sat Jul 30 11:24:22 CDT 2016

> So I would first check to see if perhaps there is something nearby causing a confusion to the sensor, but not sure why that would vary if the walls and sensor are not moving.  I also have not used it against water and wonder if perhaps that is the issue.

I went out today and built a longer arm to mount the sensor so it looks down at the center of the creek. This, so far, seems to have fixed it:

got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 80.67, temp C = 28.81, height cm = 197
sendtoWait failed
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 80.18, temp C = 28.86, height cm = 197
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 79.28, temp C = 29.07, height cm = 196
sendtoWait failed
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 79.46, temp C = 29.13, height cm = 196
sendtoWait failed
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 78.45, temp C = 29.19, height cm = 196
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 78.57, temp C = 29.26, height cm = 196
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 76.26, temp C = 29.38, height cm = 196
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 75.00, temp C = 29.55, height cm = 196
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 75.36, temp C = 29.67, height cm = 196
sendtoWait failed
got request from : 0x1:  humidity % = 74.73, temp C = 29.78, height cm = 196

It’s pretty much 195 cm to the surface of the water, so that’s good. I think previously it was picking up reflections from the stream bank and getting confused.

I left in the ‘sendtoWait failed’ so you can see the signal is still a big marginal with just one yagi (on the sensor end). Right now the receiver end is still just using a 1/4 wave wire antenna. I’ll build another yagi this weekend see how much that improves it. I suspect once the leaves are off it will improve further. Right now it’s transmitting through a lot of leaves.


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