[TriEmbed] TriEmbed Digest, Vol 38, Issue 17

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Jul 22 12:13:49 CDT 2016

> RG58 with a stranded center conductor is likely best if you can stand 
> the stiffness and size (roughly 2/10" diameter).
> I have some very skinny RG174A/U that you could use. It's loss at 2.4ghz 
> is impressive, but it is commonly used at WIFI frequencies to move the 
> RF a foot or two.


Glenn brought me some thin solid center conductor coax which looks
flexible enough and has a decent braided shield, so I'm all set.

BTW if anyone has a need for a +/- 12v 150 ma buck-boost converter
module, I have a few extras from the Cary Hamfest for free. I think they
need a minimum of 10v in, but that's easily supplied by a wall wart with
a half-wave rectifier. I hope to use one for a +/- 12v drive for my
vector graphics stuff so I can use the Vectrex as a display.

"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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