[TriEmbed] RaspPi Power Protection

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Jan 15 12:31:53 CST 2016

Check out how they did it on the Adafruit Pi Matrix Hat:

It's all 5v, but the power input protection would be of interest.

In my application, I run a 62x32 matrix off the same power supply as the
Pi2, and to keep things happy required significant bypass caps across
the power input to the matrix.

> I'm playing with an idea for a Pi Zero "Hat" that would involve LEDs... I
> know, shocking.
> So, I figured it would be possible to power the Pi off the LED power
> input
> but I want to support 12V LEDs as well. My current plan is just a jumper
> (solderable probably) and a stern warning that it's your own fault if you
> fry your Pi.

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