[TriEmbed] RARSfest

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed Feb 10 12:18:46 CST 2016

> By happy coincidence I got the paperwork from the organizers over the 
> weekend and brought this up last night at the meeting.
> Last year we had a group of tables hosted by Maniacal Labs (i.e. Adam 
> Haile and Dan Ternes), TriEmbed, Anibit (i.e. Jon Wolfe), and Splatspace 
> (Scott Hall, Shaw Terwilliger, Sarah Stack, and others). Five or six 
> tables total, but we were a bit cramped.  There was a terrific crowd 
> during the day and a lot of handouts were dispensed.

I do recall the tables last year - I hadn't yet started attending
meetings, but it got me interested!

I would be glad to bring my Pi-powered 64x32 RGB LED matrix for triembed
table promotion. It's certainly eye-catching.


"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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