[TriEmbed] RARSfest 2016

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Feb 9 14:22:09 CST 2016

Anyone interested in going to or sharing a table at RARSfest 2016? It's
4/2 this year. More info here: http://www.rars.org/rarsfest/

I'm guessing most people here are familiar.

It's $8 to get in and $18 for the table.

Pros of table:
- preview who has what the day before
- buy/sell before the public gets let in
- profit???

Cons of table:
- take turns sitting at it
- additional cost (but not much if split)
- drag back home what does not sell, or try to give it away

Alternatively, do we already have or can we set up an available/wanted


"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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